The roots of the Future begin Here and Now! With you and all of us. Our aim is to help you cultivate a lifestyle that will leave you grounded in a positive direction. We believe the key to happiness is inner peace and kindness.

What Will This Summit Teach You
This summit combines spiritual principles and pragmatic sense to help you live your life fully. The work in the material and spiritual world can only happen simultaneously. We like to inspire you not only to set the intention but follow through as well.
- Learn to love your life. Don’t waste your time trying to find happiness. The only way to get happy is to be happy
- We invite you to make significant changes in your life that really count
- How to live a life of creativity, passion and joy
- How to root your future NOW, and avoid procrastination
- How to committed to realigning with nature's law through the practices of nourishment, embodiment, and spirituality because you are a seeker of the truth with the intention of restoring the plan on earth
- You will be inspired to take action at this summit to lay the groundwork for a successful, joyous, and healthy life

Lets team up in Personal and WORLD RECOVERY
The natural world is our home, and we are all a member of a bigger community. Together, we are more powerful than we are apart. So let's get together and discover how to heal ourselves the entire earth.

Since the dawn of time, there have not been any significant shifts in life's fundamental precepts. They work perfectly.
Today, the way we are taught to live is quite artificial. The majority of us have no idea how detrimental our habits are to our health. We have no time to focus on ourselves between our jobs, classes, and other commitments. We spend a lot of time inside and in unnatural environments. Our living conditions have changed more rapidly in the past two decades than they have in the previous several hundred thousand years. Artificial lighting, plastics and other manufactured goods have separated us from the natural world. This disrupts the cellular order that has existed for the past 100,000 years and ultimately leads to disease. Sleep deprivation, emotional instability, hormonal disruptions, and a host of other health problems originate from this underlying course.

Why is living in harmony with nature beneficial?
Learn from the best experts if you want to survive in today's high-tech, high-radiation society. Learn to minimize exposure to toxins and manage stress. If you want to improve your quality of life by adapting to a natural lifestyle, you can learn how experts combine new research with established wisdom.

Healthy Body
You can only thrive and be happy with a healthy body, and let me remind you that you only have this one. With no bodily distractions, you may concentrate on your spiritual development and meditation. Physical and mental health are closely related to one another. A sound body supports a sound mind and spirit. Without the aches and pains of a sick body, meditation is considerably simpler. You can realize that you are not your body, mind, or emotions but rather your soul, your spiritual self. This has nothing to do with any religion. Maintaining bodily health is essential, and our experts will motivate you to do so.

Evolving Medicine and self-healing
Energy Medicine is based on the understanding that physical, mental, and behavioural problems have a counterpart in the body's energies. The latest evidence-based research reveals that YOU have the power to restore your energetic balance when you're feeling off physically, emotionally, or spiritually. During the Summit, you'll learn how to access and activate the electromagnetic web of your body.
You're the spiritual self.
Meditation trains awareness and attentiveness. Its objective is to restrict the response to unpleasant ideas and feelings, which, while disturbing and upsetting, are transient. Furthermore, and depending on the different techniques you learn to know yourself as an energy body, the possibilities are limitless.
Learn from our skilled mentors, Buddhist and Christian Masters who overcame religious differences to discover Unity in Oneness.
New Business Models, Social Threefolding and Circular Economy
In a linear economy, natural resources are turned into trash. This is "take, make, waste." Reusing, sharing, repairing, refurbishing, remanufacturing, and recycling minimize resource inputs, waste, pollution, and carbon emissions. The circular economy aims to increase resource productivity by extending the use of products, resources, equipment, and infrastructure. By valorizing waste, materials and energy can be reused or used to regenerate nature (e.g., compost). You will become familiar with projects that change the way business is done as well as the ways in which people consume goods and produce wealth.

The need to stand out as a sign of our times vs. Oneness and Togetherness
Today, you must keep up with THE OTHER. You need an edge to stand out and rise to the top. To succeed, use your imagination more than others. Outperform the rest of the workforce. Must be smart. You'll need more poise than anyone. You'll need more success than others. Higher beauty than average is needed. You need more confidence than the group. Surely you're more interesting than us all combined. You must be more spiritual.... The list goes on and on.
Is this putting pressure on you? What do you think?
Aren't we all just humans, members of an evolving species struggling to survive and be happy?

How can we start over? When old thought patterns, myths, and ways of existence no longer serve us or the world, we must let them go. Ancient sages call this moment the "Birth of Homo Luminus," the man who doesn't walk the world with his mind but brings his light into it.
We must begin with ourselves.
There are mainstream solutions, trends, and fears. We have to link our individual searches and paths with the collective route in order to find individual solutions for our health and well-being;
We are all interconnected.
In this Summit, you'll be given the ability to:
- Have the opportunity to grow in a variety of areas of your life. Personal, Partnership, Social, Business and Worklife, Contribute to a greater cause.
- Help yourself and others with field-leading expert information about your and your loved ones' health, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual
- Improve interpersonal relationships
- Make the most of your cells' potential.
- Fully realize your potential as an energetic being.
- Find your purpose and fulfilment that comes from knowing you're on the right path in life.
- Use of new technology responsibly
- Change requires spirituality. Learn strategies, rituals, and meditations to achieve strength and inner serenity. Join thousands in a ritual for the betterment of all existing beings.

At Fustureskills University, we promote a Service attitude. Self-improvement for yourself often does not go you far. You hit the ceiling very soon and are more likely to quit the things you start so enthusiastically. That's why it's essential to have a greater purpose that is larger than yourself in mind. This means that your purpose may impact more than simply your life.
During this Summit, we will explore how service may have a profound impact on your life.